Thursday, April 16, 2015

Svartisen Glacier, Norway

Svartisen Glacier, Norway

Svartisen is Norway's second largest glacier. the Svartisen glacier is a park of Saltfjellet/Svartosem national park. The Svartisen glacier is 370 square kilometer, and thereby cover quit a bit of land. The Svartisen glacier stretches all the way from the width is Salthfjellet mountain area, through beautiful valleys with calm river, and out to fjords and steep mountains at the coast. The Svartisen glacier is divided in to tow separate glaciers. The west Ice and the East Ice. The western valley, that separates the two glaciers, became free of ice just a short while ago. The glacier landscape consists of river plains with sand and clay remains that's under continuous change bye glacier rivers. In some glacier lakes you can be witness to the glaciers calve in to the lake. In flowing river beside Svartisenom can enjoy delightful fishing form salmon, trout and salmon.

Svartisen is Norway's second largest glacier. the Svartisen glacier is a park of Saltfjellet/Svartosem national park

The Savrtisen Glacier is the great tourist attraction of Salfjellet National park is the Svartisen "Black Ice" glacier, the largest icefield in the northern Scandinavia extending westwards to the coastal fjords. For the most parst the plateau lies between 1200 meters, 900 fts and 1.4 meters, 600 ft, with individual peaks rising above this, including Snetind, Sniptind and Istind. the best access from the south is by way of Mo i Rana and from there northwest to Svartishytta or Melfjorden. Both roads end at the foot of an offshoot of the Svartisen glacier.  Image Credit Tobia Scandolara

Svartisen is Norway's second largest glacier. the Svartisen glacier is a park of Saltfjellet/Svartosem national park
Image Credit Kees Voesenek

Svartisen is Norway's second largest glacier. the Svartisen glacier is a park of Saltfjellet/Svartosem national park
Image Credit Jari Kaariainen

Svartisen is Norway's second largest glacier. the Svartisen glacier is a park of Saltfjellet/Svartosem national park
Image Credit David Leonard

Svartisen is Norway's second largest glacier. the Svartisen glacier is a park of Saltfjellet/Svartosem national park
Image Credit Ralph Oechsle

Svartisen is Norway's second largest glacier. the Svartisen glacier is a park of Saltfjellet/Svartosem national park
Image Credit Kees Voesenek

Svartisen is Norway's second largest glacier. the Svartisen glacier is a park of Saltfjellet/Svartosem national park
Image Credit Andre Wolters

Svartisen is Norway's second largest glacier. the Svartisen glacier is a park of Saltfjellet/Svartosem national park
Image Credit Andre Wolters

Svartisen is Norway's second largest glacier. the Svartisen glacier is a park of Saltfjellet/Svartosem national park
Image Credit a_franked

Svartisen is Norway's second largest glacier. the Svartisen glacier is a park of Saltfjellet/Svartosem national park
Image Credit Andreas Weber

Svartisen is Norway's second largest glacier. the Svartisen glacier is a park of Saltfjellet/Svartosem national park
Image Credit Lydia
Svartisen is Norway's second largest glacier. the Svartisen glacier is a park of Saltfjellet/Svartosem national park
Image Credit Rainer Schütz

Svartisen is Norway's second largest glacier. the Svartisen glacier is a park of Saltfjellet/Svartosem national park
Image Credit jmepix
Svartisen is Norway's second largest glacier. the Svartisen glacier is a park of Saltfjellet/Svartosem national park
Image Credit Valéria Formigoni

Svartisen is Norway's second largest glacier. the Svartisen glacier is a park of Saltfjellet/Svartosem national park
Image Credit Rich pick

Source —Internet 

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