The Motherland Calls | Mamaev Kurgan in Volgograd, Russia
Central figure Mamaev Kurgan in Volgograd is the sculpture "The Motherland Calls!" Statue towers over the country side at 52 meters. The hill on which stands a monument to Motherland, bulk-its height is about meters. Height Motherland considering the sword is 85 meters sculpture is one of the tallest statues in the world. Both sides to the top of Mamaev Kurgan are several tracks, one of which is from the area of the Tribulation. Along the path there are several tombstones - with the name of those who gave their lives in the battles of Stalingrad. There is also the tomb of the unknown soldier. Just a mound under the statue "The Motherland Calls!" whose reward was to be 34,505 soldiers buried right here - the defenders of Stalingrad. On the top of the hill at the foot of Mother Motherland is serpentine path along which the 35 granite tombstones heroes of the Soviet Union, members of the Stalingrad Battle. From the foot of the mound to its tip serpentine consists of exactly 200 granite steps height of 15 cm.

Author of the sculpture "The Motherland Calls!" Volggograd became suptor EV Vucetich. Around the monument there is always lot of rumors and gossip. Perhaps the most pressing issue was the mystery of who was the prototype of the world famous sculpture Vucetic. Someone thinks that face Motherland like a discus thrower Nina Dubadze, while others believe that Vuctick presented Motherland statue features his wife Faith. In fact, the prototype of the main figures of Mamaev Kurgan was Valentina Izotova - waitress (Rodina Mat) of city restaurant "Volgograd", she was 26 years old.

Image Credit Incite
During the design of the sculpture "The Motherland Calls!" Vogograd Vucetic constantly had to make changes tot he construction plan. Little know fact that initially Motherland had to look in a different way: the original draft suggested the existence of 2 figures (and woman kneeling soldier), and in his hand Motherland had not hold a sword, and a red banner. Not found it necessary to Vucetich and sumptuously decorated pedestal of the mother and the stairs, so initially in the project, were replaced path, like a ribbon that encircled the Motherland. Dimensions sculptures have also been changed - The original 36 meters "grown up" to 52 meters. And finally the construction began in May 1959, the opening of the monument occurred on 15th of October 1967. Its height - 52 meters, the length of here arms outstretched, ups - 20 meters, the length of the sword - 33 meters. Overall height sculptures - 85 meters. Weight monument without foundations - about 8000 tons.

Image Credit Andrey Zudilin
Sword of the Motherland was originally made of stainless steel, titanium lined with leaves. In 1972 replaced the blade, still has to high wind-age and strongly swayed by the wind. Threatening structural strength. New sword made fro fluoridated steel with holes in the top of the blade.
Motherland on Mamev Hill presented in the form of mother convening their heroes to defend the homeland. Sharp lines of the figure, disheveled hair in the wind, her eyes wide and mouth woman, hand stretched out over the city - all this creates a feeling of power and voltage, the atmosphere of the anxiety and movement.

Image Credit IREX
In sharp, swift rush woman stood on the mound. With sword in hand she encourages her son to defend the Fatherland. Her right foot slightly back, torso and head vigorously deployed to the left. Face stern and resolute. Frown, wide open screaming mouth, fanned by wind gusts short hair, strong hands, body shape fitting long dress, fanned by wind gusts ends handkerchief - all this creates a feeling of strength, expression and irresistible striving froward. On the background of the sky it is like a bird soaring in the sky. Mother Motherland sculpture look great on all sides at any time of the year : In he summer, when the mound is covered with a continuous grass carpet, and a winter evening - bright, lit by the rays of searchlights. Majestic stature, speaking on background of dark blue sky as if grows out of the mound, merging it with the snow cover.

Image Credit Martha de Jong-Lantink

Image Credit Martha de Jong-Lantink

Image Credit Martha de Jong-Lantink

Image Credit xinnocent miscreantx
From the foot of Mother Motherland extensive views of the all the elements of the ensemble, the city, the Vogoa, Zavolzhe. Motherland is visible not only withing the Mamaev Kugan - It dominates the whole city and its visible from ten kilometers.

Image Credit Ru.Wikipedia

Image Credit matt whyman

Image Credit Vadim Burkovsky

Image Credit Vadim Burkovsky

Image Credit pds209
Today, more than two million visitors from all over the world come here to remember those who fought and lost their lives. A 72 years old grandmother, was the model for Russia's most famous Soviet war memorial, Rodina Mat (Motherland Mother). For nearly forty years she kept silent about her part in its art creation.
Source — Internet
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